Picking a Good Pet Sitter- 623-377-7735 Email:Rebecca@PetSittingNorthPhoenix.com Picking a good pet sitter is important; you want someone who is reliable and good with… 0
A Girl’s Best Friend! Call 623-377-7735 for pet sitting, dog walking and overnight pet care in the north Phoenix area.
You never can tell what you may find at some locations. This rattlesnake was napping under a horse water tank.
Some dog owners claim that males are typically more aggressive and destructive, particularly in small spaces. Female dogs are said to be easier… 0
Dogs are man’s best friend, but many of them would like to eat the remote control. That’s because they’re active by nature, but… 0
How often do you hear an owner shout, “Bad dog” when what really needs to be said is “Bad handler?” It’s irritating to… 0
Don’t Make a Spur-of-the-Moment Decision to Own a Dog 623-377-7735 email: Rebecca@PetSittingNorthPhoenix.com One of life’s great mistakes is taking your children into a… 0
Your Puppy Will Grow Up Someday Chocolate brown eyes, a warm nose and eager licking are classic images of an adorable puppy. From… 0
Dog Sizes You may like to super size your coffee and get extra toppings on your pizza, but when it comes to choosing… 0
Not all dogs are created equal. The differences in temperament and personality among dog breeds can be as varied as the differences in… 0
Choosing the right dog for your family is a bigger decision than you may initially think. There are about 330 pure breeds and… 0